Releasing Old Contracts , Expansion..New Beginnings

Time lines are collapsing in order to surrender to

new beginnings from the inside out.

My vast amount of me time , once I to Truths

explained , I knew too the force that shadow had

in my life, secret societies ,and my awareness

reinforced with fear and horror as legal and

professions ignored my efforts to expose the

illegal , ill-moral, unprofessional , disconnected

religious support mirrored in each child , each

relative , and in my self .. and shame enveloped

me , as I began to understand it. Why I held so

much shame .

To acknowledge , I was no more , no less that a

surrogate , a maid , a concubine , a servant

in the soul of a family that has done so much

harm , as Christians , demanded acknowledgement

of 3 young souls who watched the deconstruct of

their Mom. Legalized addiction, drugged to

submission , that a human being of male

dominance’s , fearing he might loose money

or be exposed in his darkness of abuse , allowed

doing nothing save make his own plans of

stepping out of a contracted marriage for happiness.

That’s all I know..

His every intent , to avenge me for my failure

as a homemaker, servant , companion , whatever

he needed , in order for his property to be his

bearing out the Me NOT We..

Erasing me, allowing all is my fault , he was guilt

free and holding a lot of repressed and depressed

within , and there it remains . The Karmic he chose

to align with , holding the same energy met him

equally to participate in abusing me , and have

had at it , wide open legally and socially, enjoying

the experience of shame and abuse in our

culture of suicide . This has been his example

to our children and grandchildren ..

Trust does not exist between our sons and I.

This could show up in continued abuse through my

inheritance as one son referred to my partnership

that is his rulership . The experience of learning

of a near 300k liability against our shared property

and contracts I signed in induced compliance

allows my grave concerns about the facts , opposed

to his word as the time line crushes , exposing

what is , not what he says.

So yea , I failed , failed to acknowledge the truth

earlier , and involve myself socially , responsibly

exiting the matrix that made every effort to

destroy me, by removal of all I held dear .

I am very honoring and grateful for every

lesson, every shadow , every shame filled

projection , as I rejected the false for the truths

that are the air I breathe , the blood in my veins

the electric magnetic heart that is

multidimensional , which is unknown to

those who cannot see, cannot hear , cannot see


Endings are very painful , the separation heralded

as permanent, having no empathy , no desire

to move forwards as responsible compassionate

mindful folks , who take care of their mind

body and spirit . who live to reduce , avenge

overpower , Abuse , using children and soul

connections and connectedness as weapons ?

I stepped out of that long ago, and a review

only intensified as a 3rd generation is

indoctrinated to hold the judgement and

shame , Clarity is the priceless gift 🎁 I

present , in light and in love, no fear as

it is this clarity that’s so needed , I but

pray for the words that convey the urgency

for the messages with what we all must

transcend , from a fear based ideology and

life model to one of pure light and love.

That I have a deeply traumatic life story

has issued my living death , leaving

3 souls whose light was drained of me

as I was created to exhibit the dankest darkest

evil projected at me .. a mirror or hatred and fear

reduced to a state of helplessness , which fed

him , served him.

Deserving of redemption , as each resolution

has been been rejected , the clearing of financial,

demanding money to counteract , along with

tangible truths , to off set his clinging to his

falsehoods and mask , demand action , now

for as mentioned here , a lot of folks are not

packed ( mind body spirit) for this train .

and it shows .

Mourning has been ongoing for far too many

years for what has no light no life as I’m

affirmed by free wills who choose to

shame, reject and falsify , project blame

etc .. I surrendered to my highest good

my bags are packed .

I am worthy .

As are you 😘💯🎁🎉🎶🌈☮️❤️♥️💕

Listen as she explains in her way , nuancing

much of what I know in my heart and soul

words that were strange in my unknowing

as they might be with you ..

The message will come to you in the way you

require , if you but surrender to your highest good.

I am a seer , I am aware , I release that I may never

physically , or spiritually reconnect with sons .

I have been forced to accept this loss each and

every minute , beyond endurance , without

compassion, or support , but a Divine support

and love that has been they’re all along , guiding

me , and I’ll honor that Divinity as a humane

Being in knowing and doing better .

Joy in my heart ❤️, I celebrate ..thankful for

the truths that liberated me from the dark

that consumes far too many .

I had no other choice

Survival breakthrough to Thriving .

I am rich in heart , Thankful ! Amazed !

Author: GreatCosmicMothersUnited

I have joined with many parents affected with the surreal , yet accepted issue of child abuse via Pathogenic Parenting / Domestic abuse. As a survivor of Domestic Abuse, denial abounded that 3 sons were not affected. In my desire to be family to those who have found me lacking . As a survivor of psychiatric abuse, therapist who abused also and toxic prescribed medications took me to hell on earth with few moments of heaven. I will share my life, my experiences and my studies and research.. I will talk to small circles and I will council ; as targeted parents , grandparents , aunts , uncles etc. , are denied contact with a child for reasons that serve the abuser ...further abusing the child. I grasp the trauma and I have looked at the lost connection to a higher power.. I grasp when one is accustomed to privilege, equality can feel like discrimination.. Shame and affluence silences a lot of facts , truths that have been labeled "negative". It is about liberation of the soul from projections of a alienator , and abuser ..

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