Not just babies that grow

Oh, how I’d love to go back to those first weeks and months. I was ever-present, yet never really there at all.

My head was elsewhere, caught up in all the shoulds, in the baby books, the apps, the impossible schedules; all the perceived perfections of motherhood that felt so at odds with what you were telling me you needed.

I followed my heart every single time. But never with conviction. Always apologetically as though I were somehow giving in. Not doing it right.

I fought it. Like a quiet war. It was exhausting.

I’d love to go back and mother that version of you, but as this version of me; the mum I am today.

More relaxed, more rested, more sure, no longer seeking approval, embracing the fact that I will be happily rocking my boy to sleep until he doesn’t need it anymore.

It’s not just our babies that grow.



Art by: Amanda Greavette Fine Art

Sterilization Procedures Have Surged Among Young People Following “Dobbs” | Truthout

“[T]his research highlight[s] the indirect effects of ‘Dobbs’ on reproductive autonomy,” the lead researcher said.
— Read on

Crying babies

Learning this years ago, really was upsetting , as when I was birthing and raising our sons , Dr Spock , advised letting baby cry for 15 minutes before you attend to them…

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but your baby is not peacefully drifting off to sleep when they finally stop crying after you leave them alone to “self-soothe”…

Babies cannot self soothe, this is part of the developmental stage of emotional regulation, which does not occur until age 3–4.

What happens is, they think no one is coming for them so their body shuts down to conserve energy. They are in survival mode.


M A Hofer. Acta Paediatr Suppl. 1994 Jun.

Dr. Margot Sunderland

Prof. Helen Ball, Ph.D., MA, BSC.