Update on progress & upgrades

The current Sol-AR and Emerald transmissions are helping in the soul awakening and mission embodiment that many of you are experiencing. For those who are now awakening to their Emerald/Essence lineages, although the current influx will signify a powerful source for all of us, will be especially significant as they awaken their 12th-dimensional unified temple, as Essenes comes with their polarities already unified in their template, even though damaged too, due to the many DNA infiltrations and manipulations of this 3D plane.

For all of us is a time of profound DNA reconnection, as the massive plasmatic waves are serving us to continue with our process of conscious DNA release and embodiment. Grounding is key to avoid unnecessary ascension symptoms, as the majority of the time it is due to not being properly grounded, that we experience massive headaches, fatigue, and many other similar sensations.

It is now a time for all of us to awaken our Cathar/Essence memories, as many of you even though not directly related to the essences have belonged to this tribe, supporting them in their mission of bringing more unification to the planet and therefore being trapped in this karmic wheel.

As we heal our 12th dimensional DNA template, through the healing of each and every one of our chakras, and the man traumas that may reside within each of them, open our shoulder portals and act with integrity, for our acts must be too impeccable in our chosen path to achieve healing, we continue reconnecting, remembering and retrieving who we truly are.

As time travelers, our consciousness travels through time and space as many of you experience, when we awake our second DNA layer, we can heal trauma in all the dimensions where trauma still exists, doing this from the present moment, so healing can be extended to other timelines where we too exist.

Clearing linear thinking is the most important to allow us to connect to other dimensions that are naturally connected to us, through our DNA, which is the key to open ourselves to these dimensions. When we heal our pain and integrate it, keeping the lessons and neutralizing unconscious acts, we reset our soul records and initiate a new path without karmic baggage.

The current energies are of great assistance to help us heal our personal timeliness, both human and galactic, opening to self-synthesis and liberating ourselves from pain and the many blockages that it has caused within our physical, mental, emotional, and etheric bodies.

The liberation of our Cathar/essene memories helps us to understand our lineage, traumas, anomalies, and above all, our blockages in our polarities, as essenes, and many of us, have been deeply targeted in their polarities, cutting their shoulder portals from awakening and hence, anchoring the unity they are here to seed.

Healing our sexual organs, in all of us not just females, is essential, as the 3D matrix has created infinite programs to distort the authentic divine female through sexuality and many programs related to guilt, and victimhood that are too embedded within our emotional bodies/second chakras.

This has caused many essenes a total disconnection from their female essence, blocking our sacred sexuality, as well as the divine masculine, who needs to embrace the female too, as it is the dance, the constant embrace between both that brings unity to the self and All.

Clearing our first three-dimensional chakras with the assistance of the Aurora 15th dimensional colors, together with the seventh ray is vital to start transmuting the damage generated by this plane, our self-created programs, as well as many other influences, and hologram inserts that have caused the many imbalances that you may still hold within these areas.

This is why with the current energies it is so important to accompany this work of chakra healing and transfiguration with our DNA, for as we release and transmute, we too retrieve from our DNA, especially our eight-dimensional strand, all the wisdom, and memories, whether Essenes or the ones that belong to us uniquely, that we need to solve the puzzle of our existence, as it is not until we know our history that we can too recognize the many wounds we need to heal in ourselves.

This is a blessed time for all who are willing to do their inner work, for ascension is a daily inner work of self-observance, clearing, and embodiment, as this is how we transform ourselves and step into higher levels of consciousness.

It is a time for us to reclaim both our sacred female creative force and our divine masculine one, for all of us are here on a mission to restore, harmonize, and unify, and we can only do so when we first are working on achieving this same task.

May you continue choosing to become a whole, loving, and compassionate being, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba


Art by: Juan Zuluaga

Galactic lineage reading: https://www.nataliaalba.com/p/soul-lineage-multidimensional-clearing_30.html

DNA rehabilitation: https://www.nataliaalba.com/p/dna-rehabilitation-program_23.html

Personal sessions: https://www.nataliaalba.com/p/personal-sessions_13.html

Lessons from Mother

I learned from my mother

That women are strong

That life can be difficult

But we go on

She taught to be soft

On those finding life hard

To help protect those

Who’ve already been scarred

To work when I need to

But otherwise play

That night time’s for dreaming

But so is the day

To be gentle with those

Who are tough on themselves

To share out my love

But save some for myself

To stand up to those

Who would walk over me

To hold up my head

When I’m down and feel weak

To only apologise

When I am wrong

To know that there’s always

A place I belong

To trust in my future

And treasure my past

To smash it each time

That the ceiling is glass

To find the lessons

In relationships lost

Because some things in life

Are not worth what they cost

But what she taught most

About life and of worth

Was that it is only

The best I deserve

And maybe your mother

Has taught you the same

But if she has not

Well, then I’m here today

To say that you too

Deserve only the best

To live out the life

That exists in your head

To find your own strength

And to dream and stand tall

To trust you might fly

When you think you could fall

So never stop dreaming

And never give up

Because, I have learned

We’re all worthy of love


Happy Mother’s Day to all who find it a happy day xx

Becky Hemsley 2022

Lovely artwork by Kürti Andrea

This poem is from my second collection here (although I adapted the ending very slightly for today)


Daughter of a Daughter

“I am the daughter of a daughter.

Who is the daughter of a daughter.

Who is also the daughter of a daughter.

Some of us are mothers

but all of us are daughters,

all birthed through lines

that weave back to that First Mother.

All connected from the very beginning.

All connected in the now.




Great Grandmothers,

Great Great Grandmothers.

All daughters born from

One. Original. Egg.

From One. Original. Woman.

So why the separation?

Why the animosity toward each other?

Why the arguing and fighting,

back-stabbing and lack of support?

The next time you see another woman,

look in her eyes and see the

Ancestral Lines, the lines of Women

that lead back to you.

Where are we going Mother?

And how will we get there Sister?

By staying connected Daughter

and allowing for difference.

For we are each one,

after all,

all Daughters

of Daughters

of Daughters

of our

One Mother.”

🌹 Arlene Bailey, The Daughter Line, 2020

🎨 Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May, 1909

John William Waterhouse Artist (1849-1917)

Targeted Parent – It’s not you

If you’re reading my posts, it’s probably and unfortunately, because you’ve noticed that the child you’ve had a previously loving and close, happy relationship with has become very much on the other parent’s ‘side’, things have become more black/white and divided than ever, perhaps even despite your best endeavours. Your children are aligned with them, and they’re starting to turn against you, or already have turned. They’ve started badmouthing, disrespecting, fearing, and/or rejecting you. what’s probably going on is unwarranted, abusive, psychological manipulation by the other parent inducing the child into this alliance. It is not you. It is parental alienation. ⁠

It is the alienated ‘target’ parent who asks, ‘Is it me?’ ‘Am I the problem in thinking the other parent is the problem?’ The alienating parent does not ask this; they apportion all the blame. In their minds, they’re right. They’re the best. They’re the only one a child needs. They are, of course, deluded. A child needs both parents. A child is better off with more love, not less. More family, not less. Alienating behaviours are entirely selfish, vindictive, manipulative and abusive. The difference between estrangement and parental alienation? Estrangement This is when a child severs contact with their parent for reasons they feel are justifiable. Alienation comes about through the wilful, determined action – and coercive control – of one parent against the other, which is unjustified. ⁠

The ‘target’ parent (not the alienating one) asks: ‘How can I make things right?’ and ‘Could I have done better?’ In hindsight, had we known about ‘parental alienation’ before it happened to us, we would have been better prepared (maybe – it would still be challenging, heartbreaking and abusive). Nothing you could have done differently is likely to have made any difference at all. The only way it would have been prevented is not to be involved with a person who has personality disorders (such as narcissistic traits) or unresolved issues that typically got triggered (by conflict, separation, divorce). You didn’t know what they were capable of doing – hurting their child to hurt, control, and/or punish you. Forgive yourself. You had done your best in extremely difficult circumstances you did not see coming. It’s usually already happening for some time by the time it’s visible to us – though often not to others, especially because the child becomes enmeshed, aligned, and trauma-bonded. Alienating behaviours involve emotional manipulation, false narratives, coercive control, triangulation, gaslighting, virtue signalling, the silent treatment, cognitive dissonance, shared persecutory delusions, projection, and hostile, aggressive parenting, and it is an attachment pathology and psychological, emotional and financial abuse. It is child psychological abuse too. It is not you.

#charliemccready #9StepProgram #parentalalienationcoach #parentalalienationawareness #parentalalienationisreal #parentalalienation #parentalalienationischildabuse #highconflictcoparenting #coparentingwithanarcissist #coparenting #highconflictdivorce #divorce #familylaw #FamilyCourt #childabuse #narcissisticfather #narcissisticmother #narcissisticparent #narcissisticabuseawareness #narcissisticabuserecovery #narcissist #narcissists #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder #narcissisticabusesurvivor #narcissism #narcissismawareness #narcissisticpersonality #alienatedchild #alienatedparent #alienatedfather #alienated #alienatedmother

Vulnerability to connect with a Narcissist

This describes the process from

past and I’m so thankful

those experiences are healed

and I have no co dependent

