
Maybe your mother was the perfect mother.

Maybe she carried you

bled for you

sang to you

smiled at you

nurtured you and marveled in you.

Maybe she understood your essence

and was patient and let you unfold

in your own time and in your own way

honoring the heart of you all the while.

Maybe your mother cared for you;

Maybe she was there for you

long past childhood days.

Maybe your mother worked for you

cooked for you

sewed for you.

Maybe your mother listened to you

held space for you

Maybe your mother laughed with you

played with you

stayed with you through all your years.

Maybe your mother protected you,


Maybe she neglected you

rejected you.

Maybe she abandoned you

hard-handed you

betrayed you

flayed you.

Maybe your mother couldn’t mother.

Maybe your mother forgot you

lost interest

grew cold.

Maybe she never really loved you.

Maybe you were just her duty

for a little while.

Maybe your mother did the best she could

with what she had.

Maybe she was sick or sad.

Maybe her mother was bitter or bad

and hurt her in her deepest parts.


Maybe you are a mother.

Maybe you are a perfect mother.

Maybe you pour abundant love into

your daughters, your sons.

Maybe you delight in them.

Maybe you struggle

Maybe you feel exhausted


lost and unseen.

Maybe you feel nothing.

Maybe you are just surviving.

Maybe you are not a mother

but long to be a mother

Maybe you mother others.

Maybe you don’t want to be a mother;

will never be a mother


We all need a mother

Yes, we do

And maybe there is a perfect mother

just for you.

She is the mother of your mother

and your mother’s mother

and back as far as the eye can see

or mind can know

or soul can feel

to the first mother.

Lie on the grass and feel Her heart.

You were formed of Her earth.

You come from Her waters.

Her winds kiss your cheek eternally.

Her rains cry with you when you cry

and wash your wounds.

She will heal you

nourish you

wait for you.

She will give you beauty

give you joy

give you new life

again and again.

She will always be there

to enfold you in Her embrace

when at last you return —

Maybe you have the perfect mother . . .

~ Rebekah Myers, A Perfect Mother

copyright © 5/9/2021 by Rebekah Myers

Sacred Sisters Full Moon Circle

Art: Jana Brike

Jana Brike

#SacredSistersFullMoonCircle #Spirituality #WomensWisdom #WomensEmpowerment #RedTent #SacredFeminine #Goddess #GoddessCircle #GoddessStudies #CyclicalLiving #WheeloftheYear #Mythology #Magic #Folklore #FolkTradition #Mother #MotherandDaughter #MotherandSon #MothersDay

Mental Health Professionals – Craig Childress Psy.D

Oh my goodness, your mental health people are so awful.

I don’t know how you put up with them. Whenever I talk to them, I wind up whacking ’em on their noggins because they make my head explode. Knuckleheads.

It’s their arrogance that triggers me. I have super-sensitive narcissistic pathology detectors obtained as a regulatory object child for a narcissistic mom.

My nervous system was formed as a regulatory object of exquisite sensitivity. I know when the pathology is present. Put me in contact with the pathology and it’s like a spidey-sense.

I trigger on their arrogance. They are sooo stupid, and yet so arrogant. And… they’re child abusers because they are ignorant and lazy and arrogant. I wanna beat them with a stick.

It’s a very distinctive feeling. “Oh, you must be a narcissist because I want to beat you with a stick for some reason.”

I’m going to have to re-regulate the set point on my narcissism detector now that I’m actually in contact with all your mental health people, dampen it down somehow.

I need to readjust my regulatory systems now that I’m embedded in such abundant narcissism from your mental health people. I can’t have it going off all the time – ring-ring-ring – another one.

I know, I know. They’re all over the place.

I’ll work out some sub-routine of “alternative behaviors” that I’ll go into whenever I trigger. When my spidey-sense tingles I’ll go into my patterned pre-programmed response and that’ll keep me from beating them with a stick for being so stupid.

Honest to god, I don’t know how you put up with them. I’m going after their licenses, but it took me a while to get here. You’ve been here this entire time. Why did you let them keep their licenses?

Oh… that’s right, it wasn’t you. It was those who came before. Okay, I remember the previous waves of divorced parents and exactly – exactly – the same pathology… and exactly the same ignorant and incompetent psychology people. The same people who are now destroying your lives.

The previous parents left them for you. First, the ignorant and incompetent mental health people destroyed their lives… and they didn’t do anything about it so now they’re destroying yours… and it just goes on and on and on.

I told you way-back early-on in some videos with Dorcy what the plan was. Two things, 1) we’re going after the licenses of the ignorant and incompetent mental health people, and 2) we’re going to activate the APA.

The reason I told you way back then was in case you could do anything with the information, because I knew it would be a few years before I was in the position to solve things.

You couldn’t do anything with the information. They couldn’t. That’s okay, now I’m here, so I’ll do it.

You, well not actually you but the other you-people before you, didn’t do anything with their power. Parents are looking for someone to rescue them (it’s a deep unconscious thing), not realizing you’ve had the ruby slippers the entire time.

But you’re a trauma victim, a spousal abuse victim, a brutal and savage form of spousal abuse using the child as the weapon. You’re not supposed to fix things. The doctors are supposed to know what’s going on, and the doctors are supposed to fix things.

And you have such awful doctors… and you accept that. Not you exactly, they did. the ones that left these exact same awful doctors for you.

That’s okay. If you’re waiting for me to solve everything… okay. I’m almost there. There’s just a little bit more I think and I will be able to solve everything – then I wanna be a goat, because, holy cow, if I single handedly fix the entire family court system – for everyone on the planet – all by myself… goat.

I’ll be dead. So make me a posthumous goat. A goat in the great beyond.

I’m doing some housekeeping now with the PASG professional organization (?), or perhaps it’s just a vanity club. Let’s find out.

But that’s not my focus. I’m going into the heart of darkness. I’m joining the AFCC. I’m taking the ring to Mordor. Wheee…

Hi, I’m Dr. Childress, glad to meet you. What do I do in the family courts? I’m a second opinion review of forensic custody evaluations for violations to ethical standards for competence regarding delusional thought disorders and attachment pathology, and for failure in their duty to protect obligations… what do you do?

Well howdy.

I’m a problem child. It’s called “protest behavior” and it’s designed to INCREASE attention – except in kids in the family courts. For some unexplained reason, the “protest behavior” of kids in the family courts is NOT designed to GET attention, it’s designed to sever parental attention… unlike every other child on the planet.

That’s not how protest behavior in a child works. It IS, however, how spousal anger works in an adult. Spousal anger is designed to sever bonds. Child protest behavior seeks to acquire bonds.

Hmmm, curious. Why would a child display spousal attachment behavior rather than child attachment behavior? Such a puzzlement.

I used to be a cooperative person. Do you know who taught me about protest behavior? Three year olds. When I went early childhood my focus was on preschoolers, 3 and 4 year olds.

I love the 3-year-olds, they’re psychotic. There’s just enough mind there to be present, but not enough regulation yet to control their presence. They can get wild, and holy cow are they good at protest behavior.

Truthfully, I haven’t found more masterful protest behavior than that from 3-year-olds. Very committed.

Protest behavior is designed to call attention to a problem – ow – stop it. Protest behavior is the “stop it” after the “ow”.

Protest behavior is SUPPOSED to be annoying because it’s supposed to get attention and annoying gets attention. The MORE annoying the protest behavior is, the better… because that’s the purpose of protest behavior, to annoy other people to get attention to an issue.

So. Little dude. What’s your problem? Why are you rolling around on the floor like that screaming that horrible blood-curdling scream? “Well, you see Dr. Childress, Billy has my favorite dinosaur and he won’t give it to me. So I’m angry.” Oh, okay. got it.

Except my little-bud doesn’t say it like that, that’s too human-speak and he barely speaks much human. They still speak a lot of monkey-speak, they speak in the language of behavior.

Once I learned to speak three-year-old monkey-speak, they taught me all about being annoying and protest behavior – boy, they can be annoying when they wanna be. Wow, little dude, that’s excellent. So… what’s your problem?

So when I join the AFCC, I wanna make friends and be part of the club. Do you think they’ll like me? But I suspect I’ll be annoying because, well, there’s a problem that needs fixing. That’s the function of protest behavior, to get the needed attention to the problem… and… protest behavior is SUPPOSED to be annoying to do that.

Did Gandhi annoy the British? See.

You can be annoying without becoming a savage human and drinking beer from their skull. I can’t it seems, but you can. You be kind… and be annoying, and kind. Like Gandhi.

I’d recommend you not leave the ignorant mental health people for the next family and next, like the ignorance was left for you. Pick up after yourself. Get yourself a little forensic psychologist scooper picker-upper and clean up the forensic psychologists on your lawn.

Don’t leave the mess just sitting there or else the next parent might step in the same forensic psychologist pile of problems that you did.

Or you can wait.

I’ll be solving things in a while. You can wait. Hey, I’m joining the AFCC. That’s a Cairn, remember? Don’t you remember what happens next? Oh, oh, oh, that’s right, I forgot. You’re traveling the other direction.

That’s okay. I’ll wait. But soon… well, never mind, you’ll see, and then you’ll go “Oh, I see.”

Craig Childress, Psy.D.

Clinical Psychologist, CA PSY 18857