From fear to love – Jim Palmer

It’s unfortunate for all those years as a pastor that I cheapened Jesus by making him into supernatural being who would save the world, and not as a Courageous and Revolutionary human person who came to Love it. I can’t relate to the religious Jesus as a sinless saint, but I feel like I understand the Jesus who found deep Peace within himself, but could also became unhinged by the abuses of religion.

With that in mind, here are 10 things about Christianity that Jesus would not endorse if he had a say:

1. That his Vision for a Transformed Society, got twisted into an afterlife fantasy about heaven.

2. That a religion was formed to worship his name, Instead of a movement to advance his Message.

3. That the gospel says his death solved the problem of humankind’s separation from God, Instead of accepting that his Life Revealed the Truth that there is No separation from God.

4. That the religion bearing his name was conceived by the theories and doctrines of Paul, Instead of the Truth Jesus Lived and demonstrated.

5. That he was said to exclusively be God in the flesh, putting his example out of reach, rather than Teaching that We all Share in the same Spirit that Empowered his character and life.

6. That the religion that claims his name, teaches that his wisdom and teachings are the only legitimate way to know truth and God.

7. The idea that humankind stands condemned before God and deserving of Divine wrath and eternal conscious judgement, requiring the death of Jesus to fix it.

8. That people are waiting on Jesus

to return to save the world and end suffering, rather than Taking Responsibility for Saving the World and Solving suffering Ourselves.

9. That people think there is magical potency in uttering the name of Jesus, rather than Accessing Our Own Natural Powers and Capabilities to Effect Change.

10. That people have come to associate Jesus with church, theology, politics and power, rather than Courage , Justice, Humanity , Beauty and Love.

Jim Palmer

God – Good Bad in all religions – Jim Palmer

There are common characteristics associated with almost all religion that I see as having a significant downside. They include:

1. Separation from God

The basic notion is that the source of what we most deeply or ultimately want and need as human beings is outside ourselves. In other words, the love, peace, power, wisdom, insight, courage, belonging, worth, significance, and meaning we desire is not something we can generate or find naturally within or through ourselves, but is given by “God” and contingent upon a proper relationship with God.

2. Externalization of authority to revelatory knowledge

Who gets to say or how are we to determine the answers to the ultimate questions of life? What is the meaning of life? What is my true identity? What is my greater purpose? How should I live my life? What is death? What happens when we die? Is there a god, and, if so, what is this god like? Religion claims that the correct answers to such questions are imparted through revelatory knowledge such as the teachings of a special messenger of God (i.e. Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, Bahá’u’lláh, etc.) or a sacred text (Bible, Koran, Bhagavad Gita, Lankavatara Sutra, etc.). The further stipulation to this idea is the authority given to a select few to properly interpret these teachings and texts.

3. Deference to the not yet

I have found in most religions that special attention is given to the not yet. What I mean by the “not yet” is the fulfillment of a future prophecy or the idea of the afterlife. The prevailing religious narrative seems to be that our current reality and order is messed up, lacking and hopeless, and something better is coming in the future as a direct result of divine intervention or some grand eschatological ending. Karl Marx wrote, “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness.” In other words, rather than confront the unjust and oppressive conditions of society, the working class is lulled into complacency and a pseudo happiness by the promised eternal reward of Heaven, preached in church each Sunday.

4. Divine intervention

It is a common characteristic of religion to appeal to God in moments of great need or crisis. The notion is that there are some personal and societal circumstances that are beyond human capacity to resolve and require supernatural intervention. This is the logic behind intercessory prayer – requesting God’s direct action in a personal matter or world affairs.

5. Innate badness

The idea that human beings are fundamentally flawed is a common characteristic of religious thinking. The Christian religion teaches that people are born into this world as “sinners” in need of forgiveness and salvation. Guilt is, “I did something bad;” shame is, “I am bad.” What typically follows from the “I am bad” belief is a mistrust of oneself and one’s ability to direct and govern their own lives.

6. Personification of evil

The religious narrative of good versus evil teaches that just as there is a supernatural reality of goodness at work in the world (“God”), there is also an opposing supernatural force of evil (“Satan”). We laugh at the phrase “the devil made me do it,” but most religious traditions externalize the fundamental source of evil and foul play in the world to “spiritual warfare,” which is belief in evil spirits which are able to intervene in human affairs.

In my experience, these characteristics tend to influence people in what I believe to be the following harmful ways:

1. The inability to generate meaning and cultivate wholeness and well-being naturally in and through oneself.

2. Failure to nurture a holistic and comprehensive view of self, life and the world through the convergence of evidence and knowledge from all fields of study and inquiry.

3. Failure to fully embrace, honor, protect and invest oneself in the present gift of life.

4. Abdicating human responsibility for the condition of the world and avoidance of direct action to bring change.

5. Ineptness for self-governance, free-thinking, self-confidence and psychological well-being.

6. Failure to acknowledge ourselves as the cause and for taking responsibility for the breakdown of society and our human and planetary ills and maladies.

One might stop and ask if it’s possible for religion to renounce or let go of these characteristics, and instead encourage, teach, inspire and promote values such as:

1. A higher view of humanity as a source for generating meaning, wholeness, ethics and harmony.

2. An interdisciplinary approach for understanding and unraveling the mysteries and marvels of life and the universe.

3. Inspired, mindful and passionate living based on the notion that life is a wonderful gift and won’t last forever.

4. Taking ownership and responsibility for the task of building a world that works for everyone.

5. Encouraging and promoting self-actualization or the fulfillment of one’s individual human potential.

6. Acknowledging that the only ugliness in the world is what we do to ourselves and other living things.

~ Jim Palmer

Spiritually vs Religion

A learned man was once asked to explain

the difference between Religion and Spirituality.

His response was profound:

▪ Religion is not just one, there are many.

▪ Spirituality is one.

▪ Religion is for those who sleep.

▪ Spirituality is for those who are awake.

▪ Religion is for those who need someone to tell them what to do and want to be guided.

▪ Spirituality is for those who pay attention to their inner voice.

▪ Religion has a set of dogmatic rules.

▪ Spirituality invites us to reason about everything, to question everything.

▪ Religion threatens and frightens.

▪ Spirituality gives inner peace.

▪ Religion speaks of sin and guilt.

▪ Spirituality says, “learn from an error”.

▪ Religion represses everything which is false.

▪ Spirituality transcends everything, it brings you closer to your truth!

▪ Religion speaks of a God; It is not God.

▪ Spirituality is everything and therefore, it is in God.

▪ Religion invents.

▪Spirituality finds.

▪ Religion does not tolerate any question.

▪Spirituality questions everything.

▪ Religion is human. It is an organization with rules made by men.

▪ Spirituality is Divine,

without human rules.

▪ Religion is the cause of divisions.

▪Spirituality unites.

▪ Religion is looking for you to believe.

▪ Spirituality you have to look

for it to believe.

▪ Religion follows the concepts

of a sacred book.

▪ Spirituality seeks the sacred

in all books.

▪ Religion feeds on fear.

▪ Spirituality feeds on trust and faith.

▪ Religion lives in thought.

▪ Spirituality lives in

Inner Consciousness.

▪ Religion deals with performing rituals.

▪ Spirituality has to do with

the Inner Self.

▪ Religion feeds the ego.

▪ Spirituality drives to transcend


▪ Religion makes us renounce the world to follow a God.

▪ Spirituality makes us live in God, without renouncing our existing lives.

▪ Religion is a cult.

▪ Spirituality is inner meditation.

▪ Religion fills us with dreams of glory

in paradise.

▪ Spirituality makes us live

the glory and paradise on earth.

▪ Religion lives in the past

and in the future.

▪ Spirituality lives in the present.

▪ Religion creates cloisters in

our memory.

▪ Spirituality liberates our Consciousness.

▪ Religion makes us believe

in eternal life.

▪ Spirituality makes us aware

of Eternal Life.

▪ Religion promises life after death.

▪ Spirituality is to find God in our interior during the current life before death. –

We are not human beings,

who go through a spiritual experience.

-We are spiritual beings,

who go through a human experience.

Source UnKnown…

Jesus by Jim Palmer

“Jesus was not some sweet, neatly-shaven white guy who carried a baby lamb in his arms, picking daisies, patting children on the head and spouting off sappy stories about being nice. Religious pictures of Jesus have a glowing halo around his head. That doesn’t work either. Jesus was no saint.

Jesus raised hell against the religious establishment, and his life was a middle-finger to the ways religion oppressed, exploited, and divided people. He once drove a bunch of hypocrites out of the temple, wielding a whip. Jesus was not fond of entrenched power structures – political or religious. Whether in the name of God or Caesar, Jesus would have none of it.

There was a Jesus before Christianity. That Jesus was fierce, courageous, and unyielding. He stood for the inherent worth of every human being. He denounced the religious lie that humankind was separated from God and told people to find heaven within themselves.

Jesus proclaimed another world was possible. He chastised people for sitting around waiting for God to save the world, and challenged them to wake up and save it themselves.

Jesus rebuked those who tried to make a religion out of him, and insisted that everyone is Jesus. He proclaimed that the hope of the world is not floating up in the sky, but present in our own hearts. The real Jesus of history was a lightning rod. The religious establishment hurriedly condemned him to death for blasphemy, while the political regime executed him for sedition.

The church is fond of asking the WWJD question.

P L E A S E! Let’s be honest here. Very few people truly sign up to live as Jesus did. It’s much easier to make Jesus into a religion and sing about him on Sundays, and get all dressed up for Christmas and Easter.

Jesus said you have to take up a cross in order to follow him. In other words, to join the revolution Jesus started meant you had to quit playing religion, confront your ego, give up your comforts, speak truth to power, and endure hardship and suffering. No one really wants to do that. The cheap alternative is to wear a cross and sing Jesus songs.”

Jim Palmer, Inner Anarchy

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Walk in faith

“It starts today.

The decision to walk in faith.

The choice to believe.

The basics. The beginning.

It all starts within us.

The fundamental, foundational, source of hope is trust.

Trust in something greater than ourselves. Trust in one another as partners in kinship.

The holy road opens before us. The invitation. The risk.

The beauty. It begins once more. It starts today.”

~ Native American

elder Steven Charleston

How secular family values stack up – Los Angeles Times

I was questioned and found guilty by a DIL , for not baptizing our sons .

The corruption I lived with , the abuse of a Christian husband , who left

everything to me , and wasn’t going to participate, added to the failure of

Christianity and Christians l,which I did not want to poison our 3 sons with.

Since learning more about who and what was worshiped , I realized

the ” shield ” that Christianity is for many ..fake and false .. I prayed our

sons would find their faith and higher power.

A lack of religion while growing up appears to have little effect on ethical standards and moral values
— Read on

Prayers for Healers

“May all the healers of the earth find their own healing. May they be fueled by passionate love for the earth. May they know their fear but not be stopped by fear. May they feel their anger and yet not be ruled by rage. May they honor their grief but not be paralyzed by sorrow. May they transform fear, rage, and grief into compassion and the inspiration to act in service of what they love. May they find the help, the resources, the courage, the luck, the strength, the love, the health, the joy that they need to do the work. May they be in the right place, at the right time, in the right way. May they bring alive a great awakening, open a listening ear to hear the earth’s voice, transform imbalance to balance, hate and greed to love. Blessed be the healers of the earth.”


Art by Tamara Phillips ART

Songbird – Eva Cassidy

She stilled her beautiful life , and having there , once in such pain after being raped , my 1st experience … 6 Darvon , my Mom came in from work, early am, discovered what I’d done , and felt I’d be ok. Walking away , she said ” Donna , NO man is worth that …and there’s always another man.

The ONLY time , I attempted to take my life .

A medically induced,

attempted suicide by prescribed drugs…

I have been low, so extremely low , again when drugged , and there was no life line to get out of the indeed was Hell on Earth , which prepared me to survive the abuses that intensified within my COVID eviction, and acknowledging the past would nip at my heels , draining me ,mu til I grey rocked it.

Done and Done