Energy since the Solar Eclipse

For those of you who’ve been having a rough time (most of us?) since the solar eclipse, here’s some wonderful insight from astrologer Krisy Martucci, Astrology for Mindful Living. Thank you for posting, Maryanne Savino! Love and Blessings to All!
“We are still making our way through the powerful portal of change and transformation initiated at eclipse season.
With this most recent Full Moon in Scorpio, square Pluto in Aquarius, we are continuing the theme of release and transformation of our whole being, so this is no small thing!
In fact, t-squares in astrology are BIG, and they are catalysts for growth and change. Given that this Full Moon produces a t-square, there is a major opportunity presenting itself, and this theme of OPPORTUNITY is also shown in the recent Jupiter/Uranus conjunction.
The growth, opportunity, and luck comes from being WILLING to release anything that creates a feeling of being stuck in limitation, pain. struggle and suffering – frustrated, sad, depressed, disempowered and anxious, repeating looping patterns that just feel bad.
Pluto, who is at the helm of this Full Moon will brings things to the surface to purge – things that steal your “mojo” or that limit access to your full potential and light.
In astrology, a t-square is comprised of 3 planets – 2 in opposition to one another and a third planet which is in a square (hard angle) to both opposing planets. This leaves one sign empty, which is the sign opposing the planet in square aspect. In this particular case, the empty leg sign is LEO. It is thought that empty leg energy is the medicine that brings balance.
Leo holds our light and vital life force energy. This is the sign that reminds us of our divine and holy inheritance – that we are made in the likeness and image of our Creator, and that we have come here as divine sparks (of that Creator) with something valuable and unique to contribute to life. That thing is ideally expressed through an open and loving heart – on fire, and brimming with creativity and inspiration. This can only happen if we have absolute self-love and self-respect, and approve of who we are. Leo also gives us the courage, like a lion, to express our true, unique and authentic selves – to love and to be loved in return.
With Pluto as the driver of this Full Moon, we are being challenged to face all of the deeply hidden subconscious issues, traumas, negative patterns, bad choices and habits and self-destructive behaviors in the way of manifesting our light and having access to our life force energy.
We are being called at this pivotal and powerful time to choose life and relinquish those things that dim our light and keep us in the dark.
What holds you hostage, keeps you behind bars, steals your joy, and drains your juice?
How are you REALLY relating to life, to others, to yourself and why? What deeply help patterns are sabotaging you? Can you release them, finally, and begin your journey to really wise living?
Scorpio is complicated and complex. It has a predilection for drama. It likes to feel edgy and its drawn to excitement and mystery. It can easily self-destruct. It holds on to things – even things that are toxic and NOT good, because those are the things that hold the most “charge” – those memories are the strongest and they are hard to dissolve. This Full Moon is in Scorpio. AND SO, we will be asked to confront those things, AND SEE how they are affecting us in deeply negative ways.
Pluto in Aquarius’ is inviting us to hold a space of neutrality, and to understand that we have a choice to keep drama and chaos alive or to simply let go and rest in peace. This is the higher consciousness that Aquarius holds. This allows us to release attachments to unhealthy things and embrace freedom. There is something to be said about HEALTHY detachment and this is the value that Aquarian energy can provide for us.
With the Sun in Taurus, we are invited to focus on peace, stability, happiness, simplicity, calm, well-being, and sanity.
They say matter is neither created nor destroyed. If this is the case, we don’t die, we are just transformed. According to many spiritual traditions, we are infinite sparks of the divine, or Spirits having a human experience.
Our job right now, with Pluto in Aquarius squaring the Full Moon, is to transform our bodies, minds and spirits, and to ultimately HEAL (Pluto) our whole being – our life force energy (Leo – empty leg of the t-square), to be our free and authentic selves. So much of this is about empowerment and as such, we have to be willing to let go of things AND call back aspects of ourselves that have been lost and buried for too long. Its time to shine our real light, by facing what is in the dark. Its time to put the chaos to rest and get strong from within.
Much love and many blessings!”

Author: GreatCosmicMothersUnited

I have joined with many parents affected with the surreal , yet accepted issue of child abuse via Pathogenic Parenting / Domestic abuse. As a survivor of Domestic Abuse, denial abounded that 3 sons were not affected. In my desire to be family to those who have found me lacking . As a survivor of psychiatric abuse, therapist who abused also and toxic prescribed medications took me to hell on earth with few moments of heaven. I will share my life, my experiences and my studies and research.. I will talk to small circles and I will council ; as targeted parents , grandparents , aunts , uncles etc. , are denied contact with a child for reasons that serve the abuser ...further abusing the child. I grasp the trauma and I have looked at the lost connection to a higher power.. I grasp when one is accustomed to privilege, equality can feel like discrimination.. Shame and affluence silences a lot of facts , truths that have been labeled "negative". It is about liberation of the soul from projections of a alienator , and abuser ..

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