Timothy Leary – Civil Obedience

“In a society that values conformity and obedience, the individual who dares to think for themselves is often ostracized and ridiculed. These nonconformists, these outcasts, are the true pioneers of society, the ones who push us to question our assumptions and expand our horizons. They are the ones who are not afraid to be different, to be themselves. If you find yourself feeling like an outsider, like you don’t fit in with the crowd, that’s a good thing. It means that you have the potential to make a real difference in the world. Don’t be afraid to be yourself, to follow your own path. The world needs your unique perspective.”

~ Timothy Leary

Art by Laron G. S. via Midjourney (Message Laron for digital prints)

Author: GreatCosmicMothersUnited

I have joined with many parents affected with the surreal , yet accepted issue of child abuse via Pathogenic Parenting / Domestic abuse. As a survivor of Domestic Abuse, denial abounded that 3 sons were not affected. In my desire to be family to those who have found me lacking . As a survivor of psychiatric abuse, therapist who abused also and toxic prescribed medications took me to hell on earth with few moments of heaven. I will share my life, my experiences and my studies and research.. I will talk to small circles and I will council ; as targeted parents , grandparents , aunts , uncles etc. , are denied contact with a child for reasons that serve the abuser ...further abusing the child. I grasp the trauma and I have looked at the lost connection to a higher power.. I grasp when one is accustomed to privilege, equality can feel like discrimination.. Shame and affluence silences a lot of facts , truths that have been labeled "negative". It is about liberation of the soul from projections of a alienator , and abuser ..

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